NDT Certification
- CASA NDT Authority
- NAS410/EN4179
- AS3669
- AS ISO9712
Company Centric Certification - The quality management systems (QMS) utilising either Australian Standard AS3669, National Aerospace Standard NAS410 or the European Standard EN4179 are what are called "Company Centric Systems" as they are employer based approval systems.
These systems are primarily used within the Aerospace industry. Certifications at one company are technically not transferable when moving to another company.
An individual is considered qualified once they have completed all training and experience requirements as identified by the company's QMS. They are then certified (authorised) by the company's delegated person to undertake NDT inspections.
External Certification - The QMS utilising AS ISO 9712 (formally AS3998) rely on external Certification Bodies (i.e. Australian Institute of Non-destructive Testing, AINDT) for certifying the NDT technicians. The certifications achieved from these bodies are transportable between companies.
It should be noted that ISO 9712 certification in a method can be used within a company centric certification scheme as meeting the requirements of the general examination.
If you have questions or need examinations, both theory and practical, contact our friendly staff. For AINDT activities or information, visit AINDT's web site http://www.aindt.com.au

CASA NDT Authorities - CASA now requires individuals renewing their NDT Authorities to be aligned with Australian Standard AS3669 or the Standard nominated by the NANDTB of Australia. This means that in accordance with the requirements of CAO 100.27, an individual should use a NANDTB recognised Level 3 to attest to the individual's experience, that the 5 yearly re-certification cycle of AS3669 for the method sort will not expire prior to the expiry of the renewed NDT Authority and that the individual is competent in the method sort.
Azure NDT staff can assist in managing the renewal process. Feel free to contact us for more information.
You can review the National Aerospace NDT Board of Australia website http://www.ndtboard.com where additional information is available or also visit https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2015L00597 and review CAO 100.27
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Certification and Qualification FAQs
How do I apply for, or renew an NDT Maintenance Authority?
CAO 100.27 shows the requirements for new or renewal NDT Maintenance authorities. Of course, you may also call your local CASA office or the central telephone number 131757. Also, you can review the check list used by NANDTB approved Level 3.
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